
The Torj Case Protects 

Your Phone - AND YOU!

Privacy Policy
This is a privacy policy for National Express Online.
National Express Online. recognizes the importance of protecting its users' privacy concerning personal and other information.


No information is stored by a party other than National Express Online or our e-commerce partner.
Information is transmitted or stored in a secure manner.
No personal information is collected from children 13 years of age or younger.
Numerous devices and software applications protect the very small amount of data that we keep and we employ data encryption technology. All information collected is stored securely on location in our offices or secured on location in the offices of our e-commerce partner.

Site Visits:

To effectively manage our traffic streams whenever you visit our site(s) through your browser from our servers, we log and record the following information:
Your IP address
Your browser and version
Your operating system
The date and time
The site from which you came from
We do not identify this information with specific users or computers. This information is not shared outside of our company or outside of our e-commerce provider. This information cannot be used to identify specific individuals, and is only used for:
Website and system administration
Research and development
Anonymous user analysis
Site navigation enhancements

Email Addresses:

If you received a mailing from us: (a) your email address is either listed with us as someone who has expressly shared this address for the purpose of receiving information in the future ("opt-in"), or (b) you have chosen to opt-in to our mailing list by ordering one of our products.
The email addresses collected by National Express Online may be sold, rented, or disclosed to any third parties outside of National Express Online in order to make you aware of exciting product offerings.
These addresses also may be used by our business for communications and to send out occasional product and marketing announcements, special offers and sales, etc. We respect your time and attention by controlling the frequency of our mailings.
Any customer or subscriber may opt-out and unsubscribe at any time. We honor all remove requests.
If we become aware of information being stored or collected on or by our system, which belongs to a child of or under the age of thirteen (13), it will be promptly deleted.
When a contest or survey is run on one of our sites, you may be asked to supply some personally identifying information like your name, email address and/or phone number. This information will only be used to notify winners of the contest/sweepstakes. Information may be analyzed, aggregated, and presented to third parties to provide an overview of the demographics of our Network visitors. When a survey appears on our Network, which includes the Network provided to us by our e-commerce partner, information may be collected, compiled and analyzed.

Broadcast Email Campaigns and SPAM:

At times, National Express Online will contract with third party vendors to provide product introductions and/or special promotions via broadcast to strictly OPT-IN email lists. We work to ensure that these vendors are legitimate and responsible parties that strictly control and administer their lists to only those people who have willingly provided their email addresses or other personal information such as name and address to receive such offers. However, we live in an imperfect world and cannot control all things. If we find any abuse of this policy, we will take steps to ensure compliance, including terminating our relationship with that vendor. We will not tolerate any abuse of Unsolicited Broadcast Email and Unsolicited Commercial Email ("UBE/UCE", commonly known as "Spam").


Cookies are a technology which can be used to provide you with tailored information from a website. A cookie is an element of data that a website can send to your browser, and which your browser may then store on your system. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. Doing so will allow you to decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether to accept cookies or not. Our systems and the systems of our e-commerce provider currently mandate that a cookie be stored on our system. Cookies on this site are created to ensure an intuitive and informative web site be displayed on your browser. Our cookies do not store any personal information. Our cookies are also required by the shopping cart system to enable e-commerce transactions.


If you purchase products from National Express Online, we record the transaction history to ensure we have an accurate method of contacting customers for shipping notification and if and when an order problem arises. We collect and store:

Email Address
Physical Address
Phone Number
Credit Card Information (For added security purposes, this is retained only for transaction processes and not long term. You must provide new credit card information for each order.)
If you have questions regarding our privacy policies, or require assistance in opting out of our email lists, please contact us.

Entities Collecting Information (Primary Contact/Website Owner):

National Express Online
2 Morgan Ave.
Norwalk, CT 06851